Getting You & Baby Better
At Woodlands OBGYN Assoc., we’re here to help you feel better and get back to enjoying pregnancy. Though illness during pregnancy is common, it can still cause stress and discomfort. Connect with us regularly, as our physicians will want to take everything into consideration before prescribing certain medications.
Basic Treatments for Common Ailments
Increase intake of fiber by including all-bran cereals, beans, fruits, raisins and prunes in your daily diet. You may also supplement your fiber intake by taking the prescribed dosage of Metamucil or Konsyl. You may also try Milk of Magnesia, Surfak, or Colace and you may use a Dul-co-lax suppository or an enema. In addition, please up your water intake. Avoid coffee, tea, and soda. To get a better understanding if you are taking in enough water, when you urinate, check the color of your urine. Anything other than a clear color indicates that you are not drinking enough fluids.
Start with clear liquids like 7-up, Sprite, Ginger Ale or Gatorade and then advance to bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. You may also take Imodium AD – start with ½ the suggested dose on the label. Once diarrhea has stopped, resume a bland diet and avoid all dairy products for 2-3 days.
Tylenol (regular or extra strength) is fine to take. Do not take Advil, Motrin, Aleve, or any other Ibuprofen based product, or aspirin, as they can cause spontaneous bleeding and thinning of the blood.
Head Cold/Sinus/Cough
Tylenol Cold + Sinus, Sudafed, Benadryl, Drixoral, Robitussin, or Triaminic may be taken. Be sure to match symptoms on label with the symptoms you are experiencing. Do not take more than the recommended dosage.
Try Tucks Pads, Anusol, or Preparation H Ointment or Suppositories. Be sure to drink plenty of liquids in order to help soften the stool.
Indigestion or Gas
Tums or Simethicone are fine, but do not take Pepto-Bismol.
Leg Cramps
Sometimes leg cramps may be due to a lack of calcium or potassium. You may take 600mg x twice daily of calcium citrate and eat one or two bananas daily until cramping resolves.
Minor Sore Throat
Use Chloraseptic spray, throat lozenges, or gargle with warm salt water to help relieve symptoms of a sore throat. If your sore throat is accompanied by a fever of 101.4 or higher, please call us immediately.
Minor Swelling
Reduce salt intake and elevate your feet as often as possible. Again, be sure you are taking in additional fluids, as more fluid intake pushes the excess fluids out.
Morning Sickness or Nausea
While not exactly a true “illness,” nausea during pregnancy can certainly be difficult to deal with and can make day-to-day life difficult. The good news is that most women’s morning sickness or nausea will resolve by the second trimester, so be hopeful. To treat morning sickness/nausea, start by taking 50mg x 3 times daily of vitamin B6; ginger root (1 gram a day), or drink some ginger tea. Discontinue your prenatal vitamin until nausea resolves and eat small, frequent meals. If this does not help, you may try Emetrol – be sure to follow directions on the label for dosing.
Call Us and Get on the Road to Recovery!
Though it’s no fun being ill while pregnant, the bright side of it is that we’re here for you! Should you have or develop any of the above-mentioned symptoms, or other illnesses during pregnancy, you may need to be seen for a special prenatal visit, or come in more often than usual to ensure wellness and full recovery. As always, we will be here to provide exceptional care and to reassure you during your pregnancy.
If we have not addressed your specific question here, please call the office at 281.364.9898 and ask to speak with a nurse.