What should I eat during my pregnancy?
While pregnant, it is important to take vitamins as directed by the doctor. This ensures that you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients that you need for yourself and your baby. Folic acid is a B vitamin that can reduce the risk of certain birth defects and is incredibly critical during pregnancy. Another concern women have during their pregnancy is “eating for two.” It’s a common misconception that women need to eat twice as much because of their growing baby. Women should still follow a nutritional diet, and approximately 300 calories more per day are all that are needed to help support healthy growth of the baby. Avoid fat dieting or any other programs during this time as your body needs what it can get!
Can I exercise while pregnant?
Physical exercise is always important, regardless of whether or not you are pregnancy. If you haven’t been exercising regularly, your doctor may recommend breaking in regular movement with walks or swimming. If there are any complications or risks, you doctor may limit you in exercise, and this recommendation should be followed closely if made.
Find out about your own limitations throughout pregnancy
The Woodlands, TX area women who are interested in learning more about what they can and cannot participate in during pregnancy are invited to call Woodlands OBGYN Associates to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our providers. We are here to help new and established patients at our practice, located at 17183 I-45 #610. Call our doctors today at (281) 364-9898.